The first two days of school went fantastic! Coming from elementary school, I am really enjoying getting to know my middle school students. In Accelerated Literacy, we began the year by using Legos to design a creation that represents us as readers. I really learned a lot about my students and their different reading interests. After they designed their creations, we did a thinking routine (Chalk Talk). They were each given a post-it to write about their creation. Then we discussed our reading interests in groups. Not only was this a learning tool for me, but they were able to get to know each other.
See my students' amazing expressions of creativity below - along with their Chalk Talk responses. Enjoy!!
Readers use their imaginations to transform us to different places!!!
Thinking about what we know about ourselves as readers, helps us to become more active readers!!!
"Chalk Talk" is a wonderful thinking routine to get students active in sharing their thoughts and ideas!!!